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Epson Adjustment Program Pm 245 26: Step by Step Instructions for Resetting Your Printer


Epson PictureMate PM-245 (ESP) Ver.1.0.0This adjustment program is developed for making printers adjustments.This adjustment program DOESN'T HAVE Waste Ink Counters Reset function function. If You need Waste Ink Counters reset - please use the WIC Reset Utility - Download hereThe Epson Adjustment Program for New models Epson PictureMate PM-245 can be used under Windows only (Millenium, 2000, XP, Vista [in compatibility mode]).

If you are interested to try all the resetter or adjustment program on need software resetter to reset or repair the counter on your Epson Picture Mate. You can download the software from download link below:

Epson Adjustment Program Pm 245 26

i need resetter for epson t13 pls help iz waste of money if i dont use it anymore just used it for 2 weeks den it says the life of printer is at itz end. OrTHoTaMiNe if read dis please crack resetter for epson t13. thanks

Resetting your Epson printer (FREE)Modern Epson printers have built in software / firmware that counts the prints that you do and each model has a setlimit that will generate messages, saying something like "your printer requires maintenance" or "parts inside your printer may be worn". These messageswill continue unless you reset the 'Protection Counter', this period is called the 'Overflow'. Each model also has a setamount of prints allowed on the Overflow, after which your printer will stop working and lock you out completely (we call this 'Lock Out'),usually with two alternating flashing lights on the printer.All is not lost!You can unlock it, reset the overflow and reset the protection counter, bringing your printer back to life.The reason for having to do this according to Epson, is that your Ink Pads are full and need replacing.I had an Epson C86 printer reset under warranty by an Epson dealer and the ink pads were not replaced.This means that, all you really need to save your printer is the resetting software.If you have not already downloaded the program clickhere to download.How to use the softwareNote: this software will not work on certain Epson printer models such asthe RX500, so to manually reset this, click hereIt also only works on the older models, so for newer models such as the SX series and R / RX series we are currentlytrying to gather resetting software for your specific models. We have some new ones here for the SX410 & SX415(TX410 & TX415) and R265 / R285 / R360 / RX560, to download and for information, seebelow.Email from a user:It may help some of your customers to know that if using Windows 7 and needing to re-set an Epson Stylus Photo 915 you need to set the software to Compatibility mode Windows 7 before running the installer.Many thanks for your work in making this page! It was a great help.Philip(see full testimonials below)Installing and opening the software (SSC Service Utility ):Install Software ( ssc service utility ) by double clicking on the 'Set Up' file or 'sscserve.exe' you downloaded (firstunpack / unzip it if required).When Installed, Click on the [Start Button] on your computer desktop, then click on [Program Files] or [Programs] andselect SSC Service Utility from the list, this will open the program. If you chose to have a desktop shortcut when youinstalled the program, click this to start the program.Click on the [Configuration] tab and select your printer from both the [Installed Printers] and [Printer Models] lists.Please Note: Some models are listed with an 'x' in the model number, this means that the'x' can be a variety of numbers, for example, if you had an Epson C44 printer the selection for you would be the onethat looks like this 'C4x'. This is because the selection is the same for the C42, C44 & C46 printers.Also for R265 users, your printer isn't listed so select the R270 with this version (v4.3) until a newer version isavailable, I've been told this works.Now close the program and it will continue to run in your Task Bar on your computer desktop (Blue bar at thebottom of your computer screen).The icon looks like this You can now click the right mouse button on the icon in the Task Bar to use the menu you require.Using the software, tips and advice:If you require more images and simpler instructions for using this software, clickhere for the sscserve information page.Standard ResetIf your printer is giving warnings that your printer is due maintenance, this usually means that the printer has countedthe prints it has carried out and reached a predefined limit, the only requirement now is to reset the counter whichwill then release your printer hardware and start counting your prints from zero once more.Click the right mouse button on the program icon and select protection counter like so Click on 'Reset protection counter' and you'll be asked if you have replaced the ink pad, select Yes or OK, it will thensay counter reset.If you now select 'Show current value', it should show the counter as 0 (zero). If there are any numbers in the counteroverflow, click on 'clear counter overflow'.You are now ready to continue printing as normal as if your printer is brand new.

This utility also has other features such as separate colour cleaning and deep cleaning. Beware of the deep cleaning,this is for very bad clogging on the heads through prolonged lack of use and uses nearly half a cartridge of ink fromall colours to clear the blockages.Theseother utilities are only available to some Epson printer models.You can also carry out your nozzle checks and other normal utility functions using this software. Use it separately toyour normal Epson printer software and close the program from the taskbar once you have finished with the utility.The program will normally shut off when you shut your computer down and will not run again unless selected from yourprograms list.*Because the software has unknownfeatures meant for printer engineers, your antivirus program may see it as a threat, just tell it to ignore it.*

Soft Reset:This sorts out a multitude of problems.Some printers are designed to stand alone as well as work with a computer, therefore they have 2 different softwareprograms controlling them, 1 within and 1 from the computer. This can sometimes throw up a continuous problem orrejection when an error occurs. Control from the computer is always the best form of printer control as there is so muchmore you can do with the diversity of the computer as opposed to the set built in software in the printer.So when a cartridge circuit fails, your printer will recognise this and tell you of a problem. Unfortunately, printersdon't have the extra facility of 'error message clearing' and may keep showing the same error from that point on unlessthe printer 'firmware' is reset in some way.With the service utility, there are extra functions that can be used for full control of your printer, depending on themodel and level of support supplied for that model. One such useful tool is 'Soft Reset', this will reset anything inthe printer 'buffer' (storage area) and the built in software (firmware). This will normally set your printer back toits default settings.To find Soft Reset, click the right mouse button on the SSC Service Utility icon which will be running in the blue taskbar at the bottom of your desktop screen, then select 'Extra'. There you'll find 'Soft Reset'.When you click the left mouse button on the soft reset, it will take a few minutes to reset so the best advice to giveis to go and make a cup of tea once you've selected it and do absolutely nothing to the computer or printer for at least5 minutes. Make sure the printer is completely silent (not operating) before closing any programs or switching off theprinter.Now shut down the computer, switch off the printer, unplug the printer for 2 minutes, plug in the printer, switch theprinter on & start up your computer.Your printer should now be reset completely with all previous tasks, errors and set-ups forgotten by the printer.Whatever the problem was before resetting the printer, may still need to be put right. Therefore, if your problem wascartridge error messages persisting, then you'll need to use the normal 'Maintenance' screen on the computer printersoftware and use the 'Ink Cartridge Replacement' button and either pretend to change the cartridge if a replacementcartridge has already been used to replace a failed one that was giving the error by physically removing it andreinserting it as if you were changing it or actually change the cartridge if you have not already done so.If error messages continue to appear after changing more than two cartridges of the same colour, then it is verypossible that the printer circuitry controlling that particular colour has malfunctioned and if still under guarantee (1year standard), should be put in for service or replacement. Remember that Epson dealers will always try to blame theuse of compatible cartridges for any fault with the printer so it may be advisable to buy an Epson brand cartridge ofthe same colour as the failing colour port or if you are a confident person, instruct the dealer or store to repair orreplace your printer with the full backing of the law that allows you to use any brand of cartridge manufactured to suityour printer.You may be told that using new cartridges made by OTHER companies (compatible to your printer) nullifies your guarantee.This is not so! Please mention your rights under the Sale of Goods Act and Consumer Protection Directives of theEuropean Union, which allow the customer to have an electronic / mechanical item repaired or replaced if faulty / notserviceable respectively, within 1 year of date of purchase, standard.There is nothing built into a 'compatible' cartridge that can harm your printer and is rarely the cause of a printermalfunction / breakdown provided that the correct cartridge has been fitted to the correct location in the printer andall removable items have been removed from the cartridge. e.g. The pull tab tear off strip and spring clip protectors /wedges.



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