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Ram elements v13 crack
An elastic second order analysis requires consideration for cracked regions on the wall. Stiffness after cracking is a function of internal forces and the placement of reinforcement. Wall reinforcement is not determined until after the analysis is performed and designed in RAM Concrete Wall. Therefore, the RAM Frame analysis relies on a cracked factor assigned to the wall that is applied to all finite elements to approximate the cracking effects. The cracked factor (bending) shown in the Add Concrete Wall dialog above modifies wall out-of-plane stiffness in the RAM Frame analysis.
ACI 318 permits the use of a reduced moment of inertia with an elastic second order analysis to account for cracking. ACI 551.2R states that a panel at ultimate load conditions typically exhibits cracks over most of the height and that testing and analytical studies confirm that assuming Ec Icr over the full panel correlates closely with test results. ACI 318 alternative analysis for slender walls provides an equation for the cracked moment of inertia which is typically less than 0.35 Ig.
The cracked factor (bending) factor requires engineering judgement. It should represent an effective out-of-plane moment of inertia for a factored load analysis (conditions at strength failure) with a reduction for uncertainty. It is recommended that the engineer start with a conservative cracked factor to avoid underestimating the 2nd order effects and later refine the cracked factor if more accuracy is desired.
The service combination analysis in RAM Frame Analysis Load Combination mode is an elastic 2nd order analysis that scales the cracked factors assigned in RAM Modeler by the service multiplier in Criteria - Advanced Analysis. The service analysis in the ACI Alternative Method for Out-of-Plane Slender Wall Analysis is an iterative bilinear interpolation that considers the displacement at the cracking moment with the gross moment of inertia and the displacement at the nominal moment with the cracked moment of inertia. The out-of-plane displacements in RAM Frame will be larger than displacements calculated using ACI slender wall for practical moments. If the maximum nodal displacement in RAM Frame for the service combination exceeds displacement limits, a more detailed analysis should be performed prior to changing wall stiffness.
First, rerun the service analysis using the gross moment of inertia. To force the service analysis to use the gross moment of inertia, the service modifier in the advanced analysis criteria should be larger than 1 divided by the bending cracked factor assigned in RAM Modeler. The program will cap the stiffness at 1.0 times the gross moment of inertia in the analysis. If the maximum service moment in the wall considering 2nd order effects is below 2/3 the cracking moment, then the wall remains uncracked for the service combination per ACI slender wall. The assumption to use the gross moment of inertia was valid.
If walls are cracked, rerun the service analysis with a service modifier that brings the cracked factor assigned in RAM Modeler to a service state (e.g. 1.4). If the cracked factor in Modeler represents a fully cracked section, the RAM Frame results are conservative and can used directly if desired. If displacements are exceeding deflection limits, the service modifier typically can be increased because the service moments are less than the moment that reduces stiffness to fully cracked. However, this is decision that requires engineering judgment.
Capabilities- Analyze gravity and lateral loadDesign and analyze simple or complex structures for a wide range of loading conditions, including those induced by gravity such as dead and live loads, including skip conditions, in combination with lateral loads including wind and seismic.- Comply with seismic requirementsDesign and detail seismic force-resisting systems, generating seismic loads according to the relevant building code. Consider these forces in the design of elements and, where applicable, the design of frames and the larger structural system. Enforce the ductility requirements of the selected design code in element proportioning and detailing.- Design and analyze with finite elementsComplete building analysis, design, and drafting for the entire structure accurately and efficiently using our state-of-the-art finite element analysis. Reduce or eliminate the time spent waiting for results using our fast solvers.- Design and analyze structural modelsQuickly model your entire structure, including decks, slabs, slab edges and openings, beams, columns, walls, braces, spread and continuous footings, and pile caps. Efficiently automate many of your time-consuming design and analysis tasks and produce practical system and component designs that are document ready.- Design to international design standardsExtend the reach of your business practice and take advantage of global design opportunities by using a wide range of international standards and specifications in our design products. Complete your designs with confidence thanks to extensive support of U.S. and international standards.
6'THE SUN, SUNDAY, MAY 19, 1918.ISICI: 'METHODS OF ANALYZINGTRUCK PERFORMANCESThe Fourth of a Series of Articles on Motor TruckCost and Performance, Written for BusinessMen by an Expert.Br GEORGE W. GRUPP.Copyright, Uli, Utorgt II'. Orupf. All rifkt rcunti.How does any truck on tier expertto appreciate and Interpret his vehicleof delivery It he lias no (acts concernIns Ita performance?Ottilng down to brass tacks as tokow to tackle this business of anaytslstta first essential la a lev forms. First,Inn) must be a driver's dally reportcard. And to give a truck owner anWith this Information at hand a detailed analysis of the truck's performance can be easily figured from thedaily leports and tabulated. On theIndividual monthly truck performancerecord the following Information shouldbe1 tabulated:Ua worked, days Idle for repairs,dava ills for lack of work: total tonnat. cubic )ards or pack.if.vs: totalnumber of round trips, total number ofII DRIVER'S DAILY REPORT.Truck NoMakeCapacity of truck In poundsName offdrltcrLeft garage at M. Returned to ftraie at.M.t 3 3 4 S TotalTrip number kNumber of stopsMileage. toUlTotal tonnageThna loadingTime unloadingRunning time loadedRunning time unloadedTotal running timeTime lost by delaysCauses for delayGasoline consumption, gallons .,Oil consumption, pintsOratse consumption, poundtory of the truck's performance. And Iffurther analysis Is desired these totalsLtnay be averaged up.One more suggestion should be 'madebefore bringing this article to a close.It Is this: If real Interesting work ladesired then make a detailed study of aIrlp: In other words, mako a motortruck trip performance Ion. This kindof Investigating bring much Ittht to thesurface. And I venture to say that whenthe average truck owner gets through hewill liken his system of delivery, loading. Ac, unto a sieve full of timewaste holes.If the truck owner la going to tacklethis log making In the right way manyelements must be taken Into accountand tch must bo given careful consldeintlon. Whenever the writer makes alog ho tabulates data on n form asshawu herewith:All of the Information called for onthe suggested log form can be tabulatedwhile the Investigator Is seated besidethe dilver except the running speed between operations and for the entire trip.This can be figured at one's desk withth time and mileage data before you.An Investigator will have his hands fullnoting the other data If many stops aremade within a comparatively ahort timeor distance, and especially If the odometer Is on the hub of the front wheelinstead of on the driving dash.If a truck owner will follow the suggestions made he will find that the realreign of terror la lack of Initiative tomake an anal) sis of truck performancernther than that mysterious term calledelllcleiicy. He will learn, perhaps, muchto his surprise, that Ita principle composition Is Just plain, ordinary, good common sense.Ida of what the writer has In mind aform Is auggested.But In looking over this suggestedsystem of report one must bear In mindthat the writer is aware of the factthat It la perfectly silly to try to notegasolene, oil and grease consumptionfor each trip. The consumption of thesesupplies should be added to the reportonly when grease cups, oil reservoirsand gasolene tanks are filled.stops, total mileage, total time, unavoidable delays: total gasolene consumption,gallon: total oil consumption, pints:total grease consumption, pounds: totalton miles, cubic yard miles or packagemiles: totril time for loading, total timefor unloading, total time running loaded,total time running unloaded, total milesrunning loaded, total miles running unloaded and total running time.All of this will give a complete his-1918 MOTOR VEHICLE LAWS.nrady for Distribution Here toCar Owners.At.BANT, May 18. The 15 IS motorvehicle laws of this State In booklet formwill be ready for distribution by FrancisM. Huso, Secretary of State, within thenext few days. Copies may then beobtained on request of Mr. Hugo at Albany or at the State automobile bureausin New York city, Buffalo and elsewhere. There will be a widespread distribution of the edition through automobileclubs and similar organisations. Mr.Hugo will also send copies of the law toall i-perlal Inspectors of the State's automobile bureau, chiefs of police, boardsof safety, traffic squads, Justices of thepeace, and In fact all persons directlyInterested in the observance and enforcement of New York's motor vehiclelaws.IPeerless Truck Drivers at Yaphank Yearn for War.h; rv " Tlt:... . . . .'Y'' 'RUCKO."33 PgS sT 1 sgXValRBBlflBBBBBBBBV yEHyH,Cv lSSMESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSn - iEMf9lBBflii fl ic N. IMOTOR TRICK PERFORMANCE l.tICi SHEET.Truck NoMakeCapacity In poundsDriver's nameHateWcsthrrAge ft Irurk.net runningUinX timetime 140.5221inutej "m1nutejI UNLOADING jVTIME70,5 TIMEMINUTED J WAITED. J MINUTESFine type of soldieks operating trucksThere is likely to be terlous trouble I neglected In not being ordered to theat Camp Upton unless the 326th Motor fighting' zone. They have done, theirTruck Company, made up entirely of ( bit, they say. In the completion of CampTeerless trucks, Is ordered to France , Upton, "and now It Is time they werepretty soon. At least this is the report rewarded with a little change of frencthat rumbles along Second avenue In There is no question about the nlnthe wake of every ponderous truck that ccrlty of the motor truck boys In tholrnavigates that busy thoroughfare thes-e desire to go overseas, nor la theie anydusty days. doubt or their ability hi the rightingAt the risk of disclosing an important Th?' not onl' !,,,ln' a pM' tmilitary secret it must be said that the j 'Tf-T ,1rlvo" ,but " 1,0,11 !0 J101- r'nX-1 "1P'of their members veein to have wonmotor truck men feel they have been iK.tio honors at one time or another.The motor truck company, won two out" of six bouts in the divisional boxingj final!1, and their third aspirant for lion-ors )f t after a hard bout with a manweighing flftccn pounds more than hedid. .I Among the fl.tlc stars of tho motortruck company are rtlchle Ttyan, whoiron the lightweight title: Tex Kelly,I well known as a professional boxer, who'won the welterweight title heie; Kddle('rover, a-clever lightweight, who foughthis way to the finals' only to lose to aheavier man. and Sam T'oMlghone, a' featherweight, said to have a very promising ring future. With these as afoundation the reputation of the motortruck men as a pugilistic combinationhas grown rapidly.I There are seventy-eight men In theI motor truck company and their ath' letlc plans have been furthered by thei commanding officer. T.leut. I.. A.Mitchell, who is a Pittsburg graduateand formerly a crack driver of racingautomobile". Anything that the menI want to go In for In an athletic, wayHUSKY AS THE TRUCK HE DRIVEStoward n great new wooden buildingHearing completion on the southern sideof Second avenue near Tenth street.'That there llttlo building is the biggest yarage in any camp in any country that 1 Know anything about. Youcan s-tow away one hundred of our lan?ehzp seagoing hacks in that there littlebarn and hardly bo able to tlnd 'em..Some auto bedroom that Is, but I didnot come here to lctuic on the comparative size of garages, but Just tocall our attention to the fact thatthings don't look good, They are making the motor trucks ton comfortablearound hero to suit nie."This big garage lcoks too permanent.Ixmks as If we would be here this timenext year. And tliit'p no way to treatus after what we did for this camp.l'i motor truck fellers are the oldestInhabitants around here. Most of uswere here when the first lumber forthe flrt barracks was unloaded at thefielght terminal. We went and hauledpietty much all the lumber and building materials for the whole works andnow when the whole p'ace Is finished upexcept pulling a few thousand stumps,whv we get overlooked on this little tripto France. If Gen. rershlng ever foundout about the spring navigation we diddown here, hauling heavy loads, hewould wlro for us quick."All day long the giant motor trucksgo rumbling along Upton Houlevard,Second avenue and Fifth, the popularmotor truck thoroughfares of the camp,carrying their giant load", and all daylong these veterans of the ramp, the"oldest Inhabitants," wish their hugemachines were carrying supplies to TerA brief trip logs saaa aaarr tlsan to load, anload arvdPieces of freight, roand trip distance of 24.3 mile.deliver 43'has the sanction nf l.teut. Mitchell, who shlug's troops. From a pugilistic stand-personally supervised the training of , point they feel they have "gone stale"Oie boxers during the divisional chain- and unless the over.-e.i order conif' pionshlps. "Things don't look good at ' pretty soon thcie's no telling what mayall." 'said Wehle Il.van, the haul hitting i happen.lightweight, who can also pilot the All the motor truck drivers have theI heaviest truck skilfully "Things don't1 look good and that's a fact." He pointedrankllstc.lof sergeant and most of them cn-In the service voluntarilyWashington. May 17. FoodAdministrator Hoover practiceswhat he preaches not only In foodconservation, but In other measure to help win the war.To-day he sold his large automobile, discharged his chauffeurand began operating a small carhimself."I eonld not think nf withholding a man from Industrywho should be bnlldlnghips." said the Food Administrator.HOOVER"HOOVERIZES"ftaat "Evening Mall.'His AutomobilingAND SO SHOULD YOU AT ONCEaft You can do it easily and still get 100 of Motor Carsatisfaction by buying aSAXON "SIX5Many of the best families in New York are doing it.that of highest priced cars.Here is a car that will fulfillyour ideas of what a fine carought to be. Yet it sells inthe $1000 class.In a score of different features it exactly duplicatescars that sell for $3000, $4000,and higher. .At its price you get a greatermeasure of value than othercars at $200 or $300 higher inprice give.It has beauty and luxury of resistless attractiveness. It has smoothness andflexibility matchingIPIt will change completelyyour ideas of what youshould pay to get a reallyfine car.Men who own it and thereare 100,000 of them lookupon it as the greatest car inthe price-class ranging from$1000 to $1400.Our last word is BuvNow. Late comers mayhave to wait or take acar of lesser value. Placeyour order now andwe'll guarantee immediate delivery.THE SAXON MOTOR CO. of N. Y.1744 Broadwayatr2 sbj mITS every fitting is up to the highstandard of Nash quality builtto last over a long period of service. Possessing all the practicalfeatures for use in any weather ofthe conventional Sedan type, theNash Six Sedan is an especially attractive investment because of theunusual power and low fuel consumption of its perfected valve-in-headmotor. We can promiseimmediate delivery only to immediate buyers.AMMC7IO mun-iH-Huo normFive-PmasenierTouring Car, 91395Four-PassengerRoadster , , $1295Sedan .... SI 985Sevens Passenger$1465PlKtt f. o. 4. k'tntuhat III. I Villil.l'J.,KAUFMAN N-MORRIS CO., Inc., Broadway at 57th StWarren-Nash Motor Corporation (Wholesale Only)123 West 64th St. Phone Columbus 3088ni.lrlbuton fnr New York Citr and urnundlng territory. IncludingNorthern Nw Jwn unit Mlrm fonnorllrtit,T A, n. Motor Corporation,lM Bedford Ae., IlklJ n.B. tillartlonl,Ki Xt Uth St.. W. N Vork, X,Victor . Wl ft Bra.,Morrl.toun, XNlnn-llmuplirrt III Co.,i: Wg.hmgton SI , Newark, .V. J,Srliuulilr'a inmsi,Mlilillftown, N vA. J. Illmln..5IIK (IraiKl rnnrnuir,-, iirnnx, N, y. C. F. BRIUGB CO,,171 Csntrsl At a.. Nonark, N. 1,lOWA'i GARAGE. ISC,m . ay, Tankers, N. T.UONCOtJRSK MOTOR CAR CO.,StOO Grant Cancoursa, Brant, N,THE MECRALET AUTO CO.,St Sumnsr, StajBfard, Casus.I.ndm Motor anil Sumil.r ., NJinrolH, I,. IK, I.. Pown Half. Co., 101 IMIemin M., Putcronn, jc ",,'Monmouth Motor. Co.,A.tniry l'drk. ,v .1ThoniiMin-t.ooilman Co.,I'lalnnoM, N .1John Vnn llcni liot.n,I'OHdhWff p. I., N VliitaH tiaraa..onF0ERTNZX GETS COMMISSION.He'a Captain, bill Mot In hArm)'. Somebody at tlio Motor Clu1 Kilil :"Did you licar about Hill 1'ocrlticr golndInfo the army?"There was a chorus nf "No."."Well," continued tho llltlo news dispenser, "I Just heard lie had hecn coinmilnsloned a Captain,"After lunch several of roprlner'flcronies went to his More and wantedlto know what It was all nhout."A Captain In the army!" Kipped Hill.Then he began to laugh and pointed to abeautifully Inscribed document hnuglnrton the wall. "That's It, 1 cucss," liegunrled.Tho brilliant parchment announced trthe world that William t Toertncr hadbe.n rominlssloned n captain In thrtAntl-Lltter Hoclcty and had charge oflall the waste jyiper on the Itroadwayblock between Klfty-slxtli and Klftyseventh rtrects.Ah the rronlei filed out one of themsaid: "Tha only kind of paper thaBguy picks up Is paper money, and hogets a lot of that."BIO DEMAND FOR FRANKLINS.Sedan .Model In li renter lie ma nilThan Irer.One of the moit noteworthy features ofautomobllft buying this ?ann H tlieirreatly Increased Intermit thnt belnx1hnnn In encloied cars, rartlcularly tliesedan type.The Kranklln Automobile Company, uhlrhha ben a pioneer In enclosed rnr manufacture, ni veil nome ery lllunilnatinp flKuren roncernlnK the, tremnrtou IntrenpoIn eedan lalei during I tie pant fouryears thirty-thre times an many beingnit! during the first eight month of the11M7-1H season as during the ntlr tl-fftlyeir of 1.V13-H. rrenklln epdsn nwI hofar this year si ready equdl the total fCdatiproduction of last year.The whipping rerords of Kranklln mrsto dealers In twentythrf e cltUe throughout the United Htatei from September 1,lnii. to April 2., 101 . hbnw thnt an average of Ct 1-3 Pr rnt, havr been iMhtiTn (lie rltlen In Ohio prartlrallv on". thirdof the business of Franklin dealers hasbeen In sedans.A "Retiring" Act.3 2a3sw,V ' 'jT fc?:"'";iaSSSSSrLaaaaaTiTaBSSSSSSSSSS7--'- -? rvCharles "Red" Uoolii Is out nf i .itf.ball for good. This jear he declined losign with any (tub ho broKf hit-. . ,cautomobile tiro biiflnr last winiir (nPhiladelphia anil finds d.yen.'-lii i; 'rjch tires more piolllnblp llian lm.e'1,1This famnus iiiiinager mid ivitilipr nfthe riiiladelpbla Nationals Mho , ,i ,ithe pennant nlmillig (il.int pili'liti. la it.car, enteril organlzid 1 i.t s rl .., nthe Indianapolis club hi liea I'hlll.v; uniform frnni liio'.1 until i'i 1and during 1DI.1 pl.icd with both 1rteds and the (Hants, lie w.is horn nCincinnati.VALUE CARS AT UULUME PRICESIf Your Average LoadIs Less Than a TonTHIS REO "SPEED WAGON" will serve thepurpose better than a heavier truck.FOLK USED TO THINK that the right thingto do was to buy a truck big enough to carrythe heaviest load they had to deliver.BUT EXPERIENCE has proven that thelighter truck, mounted on pneumatic tires, isthe more economical.EVEN IF YOU HAVE enough going to thesame place to require two trips of this J4'-tonReo, you'll find you can deliver the lot in lesstime than by one load on a big solid tiredtruck.MOST TIMES, however, there are smaller loadsto be delivered to separate points.IN THAT CASE there is simply no comparison'the speedy i-ton Reo is the only way.IN SELECTING a truck for your own particularservice, figure out what is the average loadand buy for that rather than for your heaviestloads. The latter are few in most lines ofbusiness.DON'T OVERLOOK the fact that half the distance is made with the truck empty in agreat majority of cases and the wear andtear on a J-ton truck is about one fourthwhat it is on one of twice that capacity.ESPECIALLY is that true if the other bemounted on solid tires.FULLY 80 PER CENT of all hauling, both inthe country and in the city, is better donequicker, and cheaper by this K-ton Reo"Hurry-Up Wagon."DEMAND is tremendous. Never have beenable to supply all who wanted Reos. And demand for this particular type of truck i3increasing by leaps and bdunds as users discover its great range of adaptability.IN A THOUSAND lines of business this Reo isproving itself the ideal type. It will do so inyours.BUT YOUR ORDER must be in our hands soonif you desire a delivery in the near future.TARDY BUYERS will surely have to wait oraccept a second choice, for only those whodecide now and order at once can hope toobtain Reos.TODAY won't be a minute too soon.Reo Motor Car Co. of New York, inc.Broadway, at 54th StreetPhone Circle 1271Brooklyn:1380 Bedford At.Newark: New Rochells37-39 William St. Main St.REO 34-TonJMMM2rfcvi-$1275Ptira h f. a. . Lamina mud tha spaciat FaJaral tanGOLD STAMDAPn